Ian Hills is quite wrong to assert (Letters, July 23) that Brighton and Hove City Council is pushing for an Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) to manage its housing stock.

In fact, several members at the housing management committee, including myself, stated the council has no plans to transfer either ownership or management of its stock to another party.

What we and the tenants do want is full independent advice and information in relation to achieving the decent homes standard and related issues.

That is why the committee decided to take up full membership of the Tenant Participation Advisory Service and set up a small group of tenants and councillors to look at drawing up the specification for a new stock condition survey.

Mr Hills has either failed to understand the committee's decisions or is being deliberately mischievous in giving readers a highly misleading statement of what occurred at the meeting.

-Coun Jack Hazelgrove, chairman, housing management sub-committee, Brighton and Hove City Council