Organisers of Fatboy Slim's controversial beach party have defended the event, calling it 'a momentous and special night for Brighton'.

The Big Beach Boutique said the two fatalities on the night were not connected with Norman Cook's gig.

A statement issued through a PR company said: "Despite reports, no one suffered a heart attack at or near the event.

"The tragic death of the Australian nurse Karen Manders was not directly linked to the event as her fall happened some four hours after Norman had left the stage and most of the crowd had dispersed."

Organisers said 11 people were taken to hospital and 160 others were injured, mostly suffering minor cuts.

The statement said: "There were only six arrests. Once again these are smaller numbers than can be expected on a normal Saturday night during the season.

"This was a momentous and special night for Brighton. Let's not forget the vast numbers of people who had an amazing time."