On December 12 last year, I was a little concerned about the parking in Longridge Avenue, Saltdean, and why we never saw parking attendants on the east side.

Unlike Ashvin Desai (The Argus, June 20), I took up the issue with Lewes District Council. I also asked about cars for sale on this avenue and whether the salesman has a street trader's licence.

The answer to this question was he did not need one because the cars with a price tag on were not being sold (you could have fooled me).

This answer came on January 21. The letter also said that parking attendants did visit the east side of Longridge Avenue but, like Mr Desai, I have to admit to never actually having seen one.

This raises the question: Do we have to write to the Press and embarrass the councils to get anything done?

It also leads me to ask why do the residents of East Saltdean have three remote councils when Brighton and Hove has a single authority?

-Doug Lawrence, East Saltdean