A burglary suspect escaped under the nose of a policeman by climbing over patients sleeping in their hospital beds.

The suspect, in his 30s, was hidden behind curtains on a bed at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton.

The uniformed officer was outside when the suspect ducked under another curtain and climbed over a patient.

He did the same in the next two cubicles before fleeing the hospital.

The man had been arrested at a house in Hollingdean, Brighton, following a burglary at an address yesterday.

Stolen property was recovered and three other suspects were arrested. The fourth man was taken to hospital after telling police he had taken an overdose of pills. He was being guarded on an observation ward when he escaped.

Detective Inspector Bill Warner appealed to the man to give himself up, saying: "Our inquiries and the search are continuing."

Sussex Police declined to name the officer who was guarding the prisoner.

However, one force insider said: "The PC was really embarrassed when he called in to say his prisoner had escaped.

"He is a fine officer and he is really unlucky."