On the day Sir Paul McCartney was rumoured to be marrying Heather Mills, the couple went shopping instead.

One shop manager could not resist collaring the star as he passed his store, asking him to sign limited edition Beatles T-shirts.

The gracious star replied: "Yeah, no worries" and went inside the Italian Suit Company in Duke's Lane, Brighton, yesterday.

He signed three shirts with a marker pen while his fiance looked on.

Manager Tim Mycock said: "It was pure luck. I spotted them walking along the street outside the shop.

"They looked so relaxed and happy together so I went up to them and asked Paul to sign our collection.

"I was a little bit nervous and said he must get this all the time but he was as nice as pie. Heather just seemed to go along with it all."

Sir Paul was given a T-shirt featuring pictures of the Beatles to keep.

Mr Mycock said: "He was such a nice guy. I want to wish him all the best."

The shop has already sold more than 100 of the T-shirts and another 100 Beatles shirts, which are part of a Ben Sherman collection this season.

One of the signed T-shirts will be displayed in the shop.

Speculation the couple were to wed yesterday, either in New York, Scotland or even Rye, were quashed when they were seen by a photographer from The Argus the night before.

Photographer Aaron St Clair met them as they emerged from a Brian Wilson concert at The Brighton Centre.