Crack cocaine is a significant problem across Sussex and escalating to levels found in London, says Chief Constable Ken Jones.

Mr Jones told a meeting of Sussex Police Authority that officers were responding to the threat but the whole community needed to join the battle.

Mr Jones said: "Through our intelligence and tactical operations we became aware that 'crack' cocaine had become a significant problem that was affecting most if not all of Sussex."

In a report to the authority he said the issues were complex and required a fluid response from police working locally, regionally and nationally; but "communities working together could do a great deal to combat this menace".

Mr Jones said the message was one of hope, citing police operations such as Operation County in Eastbourne last month.

Then, more than 50 warrants were executed in a single day and 40 arrests made. He said the operation was "extremely effective, both in disrupting supply routes and offering hope to communities".

Mr Jones said he had accompanied officers on one raid to close down a 'crack house' in Brighton where local people came out and cheered with relief.