Four times world champion Tony Rickardsson is a man on a mission.

The 31-year-old Swede is writing new chapters in the sport's history as he continues to dominate the Grand Prix scene.

Rickardsson brings his prodigious talent to Eastbourne on Sunday as his Poole team seek to make up lost ground in the Elite League.

Eastbourne co-promoter Jon Cook said: "He will probably be recognised as the best ever.

"He dominates like Michael Schumacher in Formula One and I think he will underline that at the British Grand Prix in Cardiff tomorrow night."

Since the series started in 1995, Rickardsson has won nine GPs, more than any other rider, including the legendary Hans Nielsen.

His four world titles put him one behind fellow Swede, Ove Fundin, in the all-time rankings and two behind the Man of the Millennium, Ivan Mauger.

Rickardsson is in outstanding form this year. He won the Norwegian GP, finished second in the Polish GP at Bydgoszcz and on Bank Holiday Monday took the Golden Jubilee meeting on his home track.

Cook said Eagles cannot make plans to contain Rickardsson.

"Tony can ride any track. He has shown that in the GPs where it doesn't matter to him whether it is an established track or one put down a couple of days before the meeting.

"Whether it's grippy or slick, whether it's bumpy or smooth, he can ride it.

"You have to plan for him scoring a lot of points and hope your top guns can nick a point or two off him."

Rickardsson, the Arlington track record holder, is one of three riders who will have raced the previous night in Cardiff's Millennium Stadium in the British Grand Prix.

The other two are Eastbourne No.1 Mark Loram and club captain, Joe Screen.

Eastbourne's south coast rivals are notoriously slow starters to league campaigns but tend warm up during the season.

Cook said: "They have started to get it together now and they are the only team to come out of the pack to challenge ourselves, Coventry and Wolverhampton.

"It's no surprise they are doing that again. You must never under-estimate Poole."

Poole have two doubts. Bjarne Pedersen will have a late fitness test on a back injury and Pole Tomasz Chrzanowski has been in his home country on trial for a motoring incident in which a woman died.

This will be Poole's second visit to Arlington this year. They lost 56-34 on March 17 in a challenge match.

Eastbourne have completed half their Elite League fixtures and remain in pole position, three points clear of Coventry. Their match at Poole on Wednesday was called off because of a waterlogged track.

Start time is 6pm.

Eastbourne: Mark Loram, David Norris, Joe Screen, Stefan Andersson, Dean Barker, Savalas Clouting, Toni Svab.

Poole: Gary Havelock, Bjarne Pedersen, Hans Andersen, Grzegorz Walasek, Tony Rickardsson, Mariusz Staszewski, Tomasz Chrzanowski.