I take up to 15 supplementary tablets every day and my friends think I am mad.

However, at 82, I am fit, healthy, active, bright and happy.

Two tablets are for medicinal reasons - to keep my blood pressure and my uric acid levels normal. The rest are for the following:

To maintain my immune system so any invader in my bloodstream is destroyed before it can mutate and make me ill.

To prevent any blood cell that has initially developed a cancer from producing a capillary that will give it the nutrient it must have to survive.

To increase the body's production of bone cartilage to prevent arthritis.

To increase the body's production of melatonin, which reduces with age and is needed by the pineal gland, which in turn controls the thymus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, pancreas and parathyroid glands, as well as the testicles in men and ovaries in women.

The pineal gland also triggers from the cradle to the grave every bodily change.

It also needs daylight to be effective or SAD will occur - a depression in winter.

-Doug Streeter, Saltdean Drive, Brighton