The first support session in Britain for male victims of domestic violence

is taking place tonight.

The Brighton and Hove Anti Victimisation Initiative (AVI) is launching a service in the city specifically aimed at men.

The initiative's head, Detective Inspector Fiona Grant, said: "20 per cent of our victims are men.

"However, at the moment, due to under-reporting, I know the true figure could be much higher.

"I urge male victims to get in touch with the police.

"We will take your case seriously by conducting an investigation and supporting you along with other agencies."

At the session will be the AVI's Christel Osmann, Mark Sole from Victim Support, Mike Brown from Mankind UK, two male counsellors with experience in domestic abuse issues and a local solicitor.

Child care facilities have been arranged and will be available.

Victims should call the AVU on 01273 665800 or 01273 665502 for the time and location of the session.