What's the deal with taking off the bus route 6 between Mile Oak and Brighton station?

The route was very popular with me and other people from my school, both to and from school.

Although other children may be loud and obnoxious, there is no need to take off the bus route, which was used by the public as well.

The route still runs on Sundays and peak times but most people use the bus during the daytime. I have to get the Hove Park 1a for school in the mornings and afternoons.

Although I go to Portslade Community College, I still need to get there somehow. Getting the 1a is like getting the "enemy bus" route for schoolchildren.

The only alternative is to catch the Mile Oak 1, which gets to school either 25 minutes before school starts or about 5 minutes after it starts. There is no bus in between.

Does the bus times moderator understand some people have to get a school bus? Probably not.

-Kieran Fuller, Rowan Avenue, Hove