A woman who died after accusing her husband of having an affair had more than 70 bruises on her body, a court heard.

Frances Gould, 44, died from brain damage and had a gash and bruises on her head consistent with being pushed, Lewes Crown Court was told yesterday.

She died on October 14 last year, two days after suffering a brain haemorrhage at her home.

Her husband Richard was arrested on October 12.

Gould, who lived with his wife in Hale Close, Bracklesham Bay, near Chichester, denies murder.

Forensic pathologist Dr Vesna Djurovic said she discovered 72 bruises on Mrs Gould's body when she carried out a post-mortem, some of them old.

The injuries included two bruises at the back of her head and a gash caused by an object with a smooth surface, such as a bath.

Dr Djurovic said: "They were delivered with enough force to cause fatal injury to the brain.

"Facial bruising was minor and may have come from a punch. Bruises on the arms and chest were consistent with her being gripped with some force.

"The injuries were consistent with her being grabbed by the shoulders, being pushed backwards and having fallen against the edge of the bath.

"This was not just a simple fall or as a result of her losing her balance."

The trial continues.