Four hundred years of artistic masterpieces on a single CD-Rom sounds like it would provide plenty of reference material for any art historian.

Coupled with an attractive design on the case, Discover the Great Works of Art, from the GSP reference library appears to be a thoroughly desirable resource.

Unfortunately, appearances can be deceiving as this package definitely does not live up to its initial promise. I expected to find a collection of instantly recognisable images and learn about their and the artist's history. Instead, I found myself struggling through the worst user interface I have ever experienced and suffered a series of application crashes.

Admittedly, some great works of art are displayed on screen but the images are so small, they are unsuitable for the serious scholar.

Mirroring the images, the text is inadequate, glossing over historical facts and important biographical details. Written in a happy-clappy style akin to a bad children's story, this title has little to recommend itself to the hard-pressed student and certainly is not going to help anyone finish a late-term paper or essay.

Price: £9.99
Contact: 01480 496 600
Feel good factor: 1 out of 10