Once again, your theatre critic appears to have gone to a different version of A Woman Of No Importance to the one I saw at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday.

Yes, Kate O'Mara was excellent as Mrs Arbuthnott and did everything Mike Howard said but the rest of the cast was just as good, especially the excellent Josephine Tewson playing the delightfully vague Lady Hunstanton.

The character of Lord Illingworth was a particularly nasty mixture of charm and unpleasantness.

I also have to disagree with the description of the scenery as being a bit of a mess. The correct description should have been "diabolical".

The gasp that went round the theatre as the curtains went up, especially on the last act, was audible.

Silver mirror ceilings and wall panels just do not fit into a play of this period. Oscar Wilde deserves better.

-B Hart, Petworth Road, Brighton