My daughter Melanie was given a Winnie the Pooh soft toy when she was six months old and, ever since, he has gone everywhere with her - on holidays, when she started playschool and school and when she went into hospital.

He was her best friend and was with her all the time, day and night.

Unfortunately, while out with her grandparents on Brighton seafront last Wednesday, somewhere near the carousel Melanie lost Pooh.

She has cried herself to sleep every night since then and keeps asking for her Winnie to come back.

We have been back to the area several times to ask shop owners, the carousel owners, seafront cleaners and the lost property office if he has been handed in. We also placed a "lost" ad in The Argus.

Pooh Bear is now five-and-a-half and is well-loved and very tatty looking.

He has no fur left around his nose and his name is no longer on his jacket.

If anyone can return him to Melanie, I would gladly give them a new Pooh Bear in exchange.

I have tried giving another Winnie The Pooh to Melanie but, as any parent with a young child knows, they get very attached to certain things.

If you can help, please contact The Argus.

-Mrs D S Carden, Mile Oak