As people mature their hairlines often recede and hair becomes thinner and harder to keep.

Among the options for those who can't bear to lose their hair is the comb-over, where the remaining hair is grown to cover the bald bits.

The web site is dedicated to men who shun shaving their heads or wearing a wig.

Site founder Flackcaptain said it was born when he saw a man who, despite the texture and fuzzy flyaway strands of his hair, had successfully managed to whip up a comb-over.

Flackcaptain decided to notch up the site out of "respect and admiration dedicated to this hair style."

The site explains the different kinds of comb-overs, which include side sweeping, forward grooming and the double parting.

Five photo galleries prove many men choose to cover-up with a comb-over.

There is also a section devoted to celebrity comb-overs, which features umpire Dicky Bird, football hero Sir Bobby Charlton and Gregor Fisher's The Baldy Man, who became famous in a series of tv commercials.

If you want to avoid a close shave and aren't looking to wig out, why not visit the site for a few minutes of follical fun.