Party people are gearing up for comic Steve Coogan's latest film.

The Brighton-based comedian and actor stars in 24 Hour Party People, about the rise of Manchester's notorious Hacienda nightclub.

Coogan plays Tony Wilson, who founded the club and Factory Records, home to bands Joy Division, New Order and Happy Mondays.

Wilson ran the Hacienda for 15 years while holding down a job as a Granada TV reporter.

The movie, which goes on general release on Friday, has received mixed reviews so far but is expected to do well at the box office.

Coogan, meanwhile, is about to go into the studio to record some new episodes of Alan Partridge.

But he has said things will be slightly different this time around. In Alan's latest adventures viewers will see him getting to grips with a regular girlfriend.

The episodes should be on the small screen later this year.