Thousands of pounds are to be invested in Worthing to boost flagging tourism.

English Heritage announced today it would award £195,000 to Worthing to help revive the flagging tourist trade.

The money will be spent over three years and forms part of the Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme (Hers).

It will mainly be spent on projects in the area west of the Pier Pavilion, including repairing run-down shop facades.

Funding will also be set aside for the central ward of the town, ranked in the top ten per cent of poor housing areas in England.

Chairman of English Heritage Sir Neil Cossons said: "We are delighted to announce the fourth round of these successful schemes and continue to be proud of the real difference they make to towns and villages all over England.

"Investment in the historic heart of a community creates and safeguards jobs, transforms local economies, and attracts people to an area."

For every £100,000 of English Heritage funding, £480,000 is generated from other sources such as the local council.

Five more towns in the South-East have also received part of the £990,000 package of grants from English Heritage.

Mr Cossons said: "Hers funding helps a diverse range of areas in need, including some of the country's most deprived areas and others where Hers may be the only source of grant aid available."

Invitations are to be sent to local authorities in May to apply for the fifth round of Hers funding, which will start in April 2003.