Bird-lovers have been asked to keep an eye out for lapwings on the slopes of the Downs after fears the bird may die out.

The RSPB is asking walkers, farmers, residents and twitchers to take part in a survey to establish how many lapwing pairs are still nesting in Sussex.

Peter Tinning, an RSPB volunteer who runs the South Downs Lapwing Project, said: "The lapwing must be one of the most popular birds in the countryside, with its strange and cheerful 'peewit' call, but its national population has halved in a decade.

"They used to breed fairly commonly in parts of the South Downs. No one knows how many are left."

To report a sighting, call Peter on 07801 794838, email or write to RSPB South Downs Lapwings, Frederick House, 42 Frederick Place, Brighton, BN1 4EA.