A pub landlord walked through two Gatwick security checkpoints using his wife's passport.

Joe Adkin, 58, had no idea he had inadvertently brought his wife's passport until he was stopped by immigration staff in the Canaries.

But a spokeswoman for Gatwick Airport said the security lapse was not a cause for concern.

Duty manager Janice Friend said: "It seems odd that something like that could happen. I haven't heard of it happening before.

"But it isn't the sort of thing we would investigate. It isn't really cause for concern."

Mrs Friend said the matter was between immigration authorities and the airline Mr Adkin travelled with, Air 2000.

But Mr Adkin said he was shocked that he was able to breach immigration controls.

He said: "It does suggest the security at Gatwick leaves something to be desired. Anyone could have walked through their checkpoints. After September 11, how can they let that happen?

"I could have been anyone going anywhere to do anything."

The pub landlord, who runs the Lockoford Inn at Tapton in Derbyshire, picked up his wife's passport assuming it was his.

He said: "I never bothered to look at is and obviously no one at Gatwick did either.

"The Spanish police spotted it straight away though. One of them looked at it and then called another one over and he shook his head. I suppose it seems funny now but at the time I was scared.

"The policemen couldn't speak English very well and a man with a gun was guarding the door. In the end I managed to convince them it was a genuine mistake.

"I look nothing like Fran - I have grey hair and hers is dark brown, she is wearing glasses in the picture. I have a fat face and Fran has a slim face.

"In any case she is an attractive woman and she is much better looking than I am."

No one from Air 2000 was available for comment.