I was absolutely appalled at the story of Louise McNeil, who wants compensation from Brighton and Hove City Council because they failed to collect her council tax (The Argus, March 28).

Who on earth does she think she is? She is not a victim.

Yes, the council was at fault for deleting her records. Yes, the council should apologise - as it has done. And, yes, Miss McNeil should pay the outstanding council tax.

She even claims to have put the money in a separate account each month. Therefore, it should still be there and she will be no worse off.

If the council is to blame for not collecting the tax, she is even more to blame for not having the common sense to check her bank accounts.

It is up to her to make the money available. The council has not charged her interest or a penalty, as they would if she had refused to pay.

It seems to me this is one person who is trying to have her cake, eat it and charge someone else for the privilege.

-Steve Myers, Montpelier Terrace, Brighton