Police in Grenada have revealed that Sussex all-rounder Umer Rashid drowned while trying to save his younger brother.

Rashid, 26, and his 18-year-old brother Burhan both died while swimming at the popular Concord Falls tourist attraction on the Caribbean island yesterday afternoon. The accident was witnessed by their friend, Caprice Ashton.

"Caprice was swimming with the brothers in a pool at the foot of one of the falls, with two security guards looking on, when the younger brother got into difficulties," said Detective Sergeant Norman Ferguson.

"The older brother went to assist him but both went under and did not resurface."

Police divers rushed to the scene from the island's capital St Georges, which is 40 minutes away, and recovered the bodies.

The Sussex players, who had been enjoying a day off, were told of the tragedy by coach Peter Moores at their hotel near St Georges. None of the other squad members were present when the accident occurred.

Moores said: "The players and coaching staff are devastated by this tragedy. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to Umer and Mohammed's family."

The British High Commissioner in Grenada, David Miller, visited the players late last night to express his sympathy after the brothers' family had been informed.

He said: "This is a tragic accident and our thoughts go out to the family and the Sussex cricket players who have lost a well-liked and popular member of their squad."

The Sussex team were due to play matches today and tomorrow but they have been cancelled.

The two-week trip was organised by a Northampton-based company, managed by former England Test cricketer Allan Lamb.

They arrived on March 21 and Rashid had played in five of the six matches. Arrangements are being made to fly the squad home early.

Sussex chairman Don Tangmar said: "It is a terrible tragedy for the family, all the members of the club, the administrative staff and the players."

"He was a personable young man, extremely popular and beginning to develop his undoubted potential.

"The squad is in a state of shock. We intend to curtail the tour by two or three days.

"Some younger members of the squad have taken it extremely badly."

Club spokeswoman Francesca Watson said: "The squad will fly back immediately as soon as we can get flights.

"We don't know what the funeral arrangements are, that's a matter for his family, but we will do what we can."

The club was finding it hard to come to terms with the tragedy she said.

"You couldn't help but smile when he was around," she said.

"He will be dreadfully missed. Umer was a favourite of the staff. We can't really get our heads round it."

Rashid, a spin bowler and middle order batsman, joined the county in 1999 from Middlesex and played 112 matches for the club.

His brother had arrived at the weekend for a week-long holiday.