A West Sussex church which donated one of its bells to the local museum has stunned curators by asking for it back.

St Catherine's Church in Beach Road, Littlehampton, parted with its three-tonne bronze bell in 1994 because its roof was in such bad repair it could no longer support it.

Church authorities gave it to Littlehampton Museum so it would stay in the town.

Now the roof is repaired and the church wants its bell returned.

Curator Rebecca Fardell said the request put them in an unusual situation.

She said: "Normally when people donate something it is in perpetuity. We don't usually get asked to hand it back."

The bell, which dates from about 1860, was due to take pride of place in the museum grounds after landscaping work.

The plans have now been put on hold and museum staff are looking into the rules on disposal of artefacts.

Littlehampton town councillors were to give their views on the bell at a meeting tonight.

Miss Fardell said: "We will be in a clearer position after tonight's meeting and we hear what the councillors have to say.

"Before anything happens we need to be satisfied with the arrangements for the bell's long-term care."