When I read "All the best spots are wearing them" (The Argus, March 5), my first instinct was to check the calendar to see if April Fools' Day had come early.

Crass, ignorant and tacky are among the best words I can find to describe this ridiculous idea.

Do the people behind the City of Culture campaign have any idea what culture actually means?

Brighton and Hove boasts some fine buildings, which are all part of our cultural heritage because of their architectural merit.

Sadly, some of these, such as St Peter's Church, are in need of repair.

Would that not be a much better use for any spare cash than this three-dimensional graffiti?

How on earth does defacing these fine buildings suggest culture? Surely we should be using them as a backdrop or showcase for the musicians, artists, dancers, clowns, roller skaters, DJs, writers, poets, sculptors, cooks and all the other component parts of the rich culture with which our city is blessed.

Bill Hackey of TCA is quoted as saying, "We were really playing about with ideas".

If this is the best idea they had, how horrendously bad were the others? And why are we going to Shoreham for this advice when we have many excellent artists and designers living within the city?

Far from winning the Capital of Culture title, our city will become the laughing stock of cultured Europe if this nonsense ever comes to fruition.

-Ian R T James, Easthill Drive, Portslade