Mavis Clark was delighted that Mid-Sussex councillors had picked up on the point that National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) have equal status in planning control (The Argus, February 27).

She believes it undermines the arguments that National Parks provide greater protection.

Unfortunately, the reality is somewhat different. If AONBs and National Parks have the same protection, why do local councils approve so many developments contrary to the advice of the Sussex Downs Conservation Board?

A few years ago, East Sussex County Council steered Southern Water away from building a new sewage works on an industrial site to a downland site at Portobello.

Not only did it show the county council was not putting conservation first, the fiasco also cost local residents dearly.

This is unlikely to have happened had we had a South Downs National Park.

Many local councils are missing the point when it comes to the National Park, seemingly being more interested in hanging on to their own parochial planning powers rather than moving forward with what is best for the South Downs or local people.

-Chris Todd, Campaign Officer, South Downs Campaign, Brighton