The Government has agreed to underwrite the cost of concessionary bus fares for men and women aged over 60 with effect from April 2003.

MPs asked if these concessions could be brought forward for inclusion in the budgetary arrangements for the forthcoming year.

This was not thought to be possible at national level but encouragement was offered to local initiatives.

Parity has therefore written to the lead councillor for transport at Brighton and Hove City Council and the lead member for transport and environment at East Sussex County Council, requesting they seek approval to introduce these additional benefits for men over 60 from April 2002 onwards.

Women over 60 already have these entitlements in place.

It should be noted that the percentage of concessions will be in line with existing local authority arrangements.

If 50 per cent is the present discount for women, so will it be for men.

If you are fortunate to live within the boundaries of a local authority providing free bus travel for women over 60, men will have free travel too.

Surely this is unjust. To those that hath shall be given?

Has Brighton and Hove City Council's Older People's Coalition a view on these matters?

-David Anthony, Local Parity co-ordinator, St Andrews Road, Portslade