We are told chief sports writer for the Daily Telegraph Paul Hayward (Letters, February 20) is Brighton born.

Keep Sussex Skating believes a true-blue Brighton-born citizen would not have written so passionately about the spiritual power of sport in support of football, rugby, basketball, tennis and golf and then blatantly left out ice hockey and the legend of the Brighton Tigers.

This was a sporting gaff which must not be allowed to pass.

The ice skaters, just like the footballers, are making a bid for a new arena.

The Keep Sussex Skating Association's proposal to Brighton and Hove City Council differs by the fact that we have the ice developer and operator in place and our target for a home base is the brownfield site on Black Rock seafront

by the Brighton Marina. The council is marketing the plot of 2.4 acres for redevelopment. Skaters need one acre.

Perhaps if Mr Hayward would like to write in support of the reinstatement of ice sports to Brighton and Hove he may yet turn the tide.

Get your skates on, Paul. Keep Sussex Skating.

-Patricia Ginman, Keep Sussex Skating, Brighton