Chris Gilbert is being economical with the truth when he says there has been extensive consultation on the scheme for the Brighton station site.

This has been a consult and ignore process. The Community Planning Weekend voted overwhelmingly against a supermarket on the site, so damaging to London Road and the Open Market, yet the supermarket is still part of the planning application.

If Mr Gilbert thinks the supermarket car park will allow shoppers to link trips to London Road and North Laine, he should tell us how long shoppers will be allowed to park there.

This will also tell us how much traffic will be generated in the area.

The pedestrian route between London Road and the station will not be inviting as it will be through a canyon created by blocks of flats.

The 300 jobs Mr Gilbert claims will be provided by the Language Centre will be jobs moved from existing scattered buildings, not new jobs.

The affordable housing for key workers is substandard and insulting. It will either be used by students or subsequently converted to two-bedroom self-contained flats for sale.

We were promised architecture for the 21st Century but we have been given Festival of Britain new-town architecture with wooden cladding and reflective roofs (so foreign to Brighton), which will be clearly visible from Hanover and the west side of the station and which will compete with the height of St Bartholomew's church.

-Selma Montford, Hon Secretary, The Brighton Society, Clermont Road, Brighton