I am pleased Brighton and Hove City Council is increasing its grant to the Women's Refuge project and that grants to social and community groups will increase by 13 per cent next year, while cash for the arts faces a small reduction.

I am happy the vast bulk of the money we pay in council tax is spent on education, social care, health and the environment.

I am glad the council was not behind the closure of the CAB's Hove office, after all, and it gets more money than all the arts bodies put together.

It does a vital job. I'm encouraged by the council trying to protect the thousands of jobs in the city that depend on tourism, new technology and the "creative industries".

It is right our streets are kept clear of illegally-parked cars but the council does not profit from it.

It's great some of my council tax goes to groups as diverse as Age Concern, Mind and the Unemployed Centre Families Project.

I believe the council is on the right track. I am sure some people will not feel the same way as I do but at least in David Panter's article we have finally heard the facts.

-Warren Morgan, Freshfield Street, Brighton