I am absolutely appalled by the action taken by Lewes District Council with regard to Seaford cemetery.

How dare it dismantle and destroy these headstones in this way?

Surely the plots are private property, bought by the relatives of the deceased? As such, should this act be treated as vandalism?

I have a number of family members buried at Seaford and we have tended their graves regularly over the past 50 years.

I have yet to see a child or person loitering. The site is beautifully kept and I have never seen any vandalism until last weekend - carried out because some so-called expert had decided it must be done.

Did that expert visit Seaford or was this one of these "blanket" decisions made by some official reading paperwork at head office?

The majority of stones pushed over were far too small to have been a danger to anyone and some of them were so embedded in the soil it must have taken real effort to prise them out of the ground.

Rather than pulling them out, couldn't those same men have had the task of rebedding the few crosses or stones that were loose? Thank goodness our family stones were not touched.

-Name and address supplied