The most dangerous roads in Sussex are not motorways like the M23 or busy dual carriageways such as the Brighton bypass.

They are roads such as the A21 to Hastings, the A259 coast road and the A26 between Uckfield and Newhaven.

A survey by the AA has also shown that other trunk roads in Sussex have accident rates well above the national average.

There are problems in undertaking major works to the A21 and A26 since they run through some of the most beautiful countryside in the south.

Widening the A259 would involve demolishing hundreds of home because most of it runs through coastal towns and suburbs.

But there are dangerous junctions on all these roads where many of the accidents occur and these need urgent attention.

Modest improvements such as putting in a roundabout can make a huge difference as was the case as Denton Corner on the A259 a few years ago.

In the meantime, motorists should realise these roads are potentially more dangerous than many others and drive with extra care.

Britain has some of the most congested roads in the world and Sussex has more traffic than the national average because of its high population.

Despite that, accident rates are far lower than in many other European countries such as France and Greece.

But every road death or serious injury is a tragedy that could have been avoided.

Studies such as this help identify the blackspots and should lead to action.