People are risking their lives crossing a busy West Sussex road because a pedestrian underpass needs repairing, it has been claimed.

The tunnel passes under the A27 and links north and south Arundel.

The Reverend Philip Tout, of Arundel Baptist Church, said it was in such a bad state that people's only option was to run the gauntlet across the busy road.

He said: "It has been neglected for so long it has become virtually impassable some days.

"One day last week when we had heavy rain, there was a puddle about 23ft by 14ft. Nobody could get through.

"The road is busy 24 hours a day and people are being forced to cross it. It is fortunate nobody has been killed.

"The two primary schools are on either side and school children, pensioners, and other pedestrians have only this one traffic-free footpath."

As well as flooding problems, caused by a leak in the metal piling which lines the River Arun, the lights have not worked for several months and some locals refuse to use the path at night.

Mr Tout added: "Someone, somewhere is being paid to look after our needs and they are failing to do the job.

"Meanwhile, residents of Arundel have no choice but to risk their lives crossing a road on which cars and 40-tonne trucks thunder along."

A spokeswoman for West Sussex County Council said the footpath was the responsibility of the Highways Agency.

She said: "We are aware there are problems and they are being investigated."