A newsagent has covered his shop in signs protesting about plans to open a fifth Indian restaurant nearby.

Four restaurants and takeaways operate within a quarter of a mile of Ron Furniss's Newspoint shop in London Road.

A planning application has been made for another, to replace the hairdressing salon next door.

Mr Furniss says the smell of spicy food would cause problems for him and his wife. They live above the shop.

He has collected 350 signatures on a petition.

He said: "The aroma is the main problem. People will say it's prejudice but it's nothing to do with that."

He said noise, litter and parking would also pose problems.

His wife, Jacky, said: "I like curry. But can you imagine it seven days a week? It would be horrible. All your clothes would smell, so would your bed.

"I've told Ron I will pack my bags if it opens."

The application has been made in the name of Mr F Ahmed.

His architect and agent, Joanna Saady, said: "This is just a local man trying to set up his own business and make his way.

"He anticipates 80 per cent of the business will be done by delivery and he will be installing extractor fans to take away the smell.

"Indian food is lovely, beautiful food and the shop will only be open from 6pm to 11pm. It will not be catering for after-hours drunk people."

The planning application is likely to be considered by Mid Sussex District Council on March 21.