Bus services through part of Sompting may be diverted following a spate of attacks by a gang of youths.

Drivers have had objects thrown at them and been spat at by yobs in the Test Road and Hamble Road areas for the last two months.

Now bus operator Stagecoach Coastline is considering re-routing its 7 and 7A services.

The company fears the youths, who run alongside the vehicles, may get caught under the wheels.

Operations manager Sarah Allman, said: "We are desperately concerned for the safety of our drivers, passengers and the gangs of youths.

"Our fear is that the gang may get more daring and aggressive if this behaviour is allowed to go unchecked.

"The vehicles are large and heavy but the youths run alongside them. If the driver was distracted for a moment it could endanger lives.

"There is a potential danger to the driver, the passengers and the youths who could get caught under the wheels of the bus."

She said the youths targeted the buses with stones and other objects, and pulled the emergency engine stop at the back of buses.

Miss Allman said: "The drivers are then forced to leave the cab to restart the vehicle. By the time the driver returns to the front, the emergency stop has been pulled again."

The company has now placed inspectors on the routes in the evenings and camcorders have been used to try to identify the attackers.

Miss Allman said: "We are reluctant to alter the popular service and inconvenience our passengers just because of the irresponsible actions of the youths.

"It is a last resort. But we may have little choice if we are to ensure the safety of all involved."

A Sussex Police spokesman said: "Efforts have been made for officers to target the area at relevant times to deal with offences and educate the youths to the dangers of their activities."