Vegetarians dressed as slaughtermen and animals are to demonstrate against plans to build an abattoir near Henfield.

The protesters are furious over the proposed slaughterhouse at Blackstone Gate Wood.

They will demonstrate against the scheme outside Horsham District Council offices on Tuesday.

The protest will coincide with the planning committee's monthly meeting, although the final decision is not expected to be made until March.

Brighton-based vegetarian group Viva! is opposed to the construction of any slaughterhouses and is particularly disturbed by the choice of the site, which it claims will lead to the destruction of trees and wildlife habitat.

Viva! sent a letter of objection to the council raising concerns about increased traffic, smell, the possibility of disease-transmission and water pollution and the impact on house prices.

Viva! campaigner Becky Smith said: "The idea of permitting a chunk of Britain's precious remaining wildlife habitat to be destroyed in order that yet more animals can be slaughtered for the dinner plate is sickening."

Haulier Ron Gander, who has worked in the meat trade for many years, wants to build the slaughterhouse to serve local farmers.

Many farmers say they have to travel to Wales, Warwickshire, Suffolk or Cornwall to take their animals to slaughter.

The National Farmers Union backs the plan and believes it could help reverse the fortunes of West Sussex livestock farmers, still suffering after foot-and-mouth.

However, more than 500 residents have joined a protest against the abattoir, which they say will ruin their way of life and damage a picturesque woodland.