Two things trouble us about David Panter's reply to Julie Burchill.

Firstly, if he believes she is ranting and her arguments are factless and contradictory, why is he bothering to answer her?

We suspect it is because he knows the case she makes about the New Labour clique's mismanagement of Brighton and Hove is accepted by most people.

We are appalled at the failed attempt to privatise refuse and other services that landed us in this mess.

We see daily evidence of demotivated staff running core council services and know it is planning to cut more staff and services.

We are touched in some way by the cuts in grants to unfavoured voluntary groups and local playschemes and community centres that we rely on.

What use is £37,000 to some housing charity when we see daily more supermarkets and inner-city loft apartments priced £150,000 and upwards on prime sites that could be used to help ordinary people in desperate housing need?

Secondly, Julie Burchill attacks, specifically, the New Labour clique for the problems in Brighton and Hove City Council.

Why does Mr Panter, as a supposedly politically neutral chief executive, feel the need to defend New Labour instead of the majority of people in the city?

Perhaps he could meet us as well as Julie to talk about these things. Let's make sure we invite all those affected by council cuts and mismanagement.

Let's look for a new start and maybe we could learn to love our city again. We are waiting.

-Hemmsandsmith, by email