The Force is strong in a Sussex toy shop. But it is not Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker who are pulling people to Hive in Worthing.

Instead, six virtually unknown new recruits, all under 4in tall, are drawing the crowds.

The plastic figures are models of characters from the new Star Wars movie - Attack Of The Clones.

The film is not released until May and Hive, in the Guildbourne Centre, claims to be the first store in the UK to have the figures on display.

They are not on sale yet but the snippets of information on the back of the packs give clues to the plot of one of this year's most eagerly-awaited films.

Shop owner Elliot Betteridge said: "We always try to be one step ahead. We had to fight other dealers.

"They are in stock and we are taking pre-orders at the moment but we are not allowed to sell them yet."

Among the characters are a 12-year-old Boba Fett, who becomes a bounty hunter later in the series, and the Jedi warriors Shaak-Ti and Plokoon.

The film, which will be second chronologically in the six-part series, centres on the relationship between Queen Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, who becomes the infamous Darth Vader.

Elliot said he could not wait for the film to open in the cinema.

He said: "I'm trying to get tickets for the Leicester Square premiere but I don't hold out much hope."