Good exam results come from hard work and application and there are few short cuts.

But one worth trying is Revise for GCSE Maths 2002/2003 from software publishers Letts.

It guarantees a grade C or higher, providing the course is completed satisfactorily.

Written and tested by GCSE examiners, the package is full of advice and information. It is easy to understand and, because it complies with National Curriculum guidelines, it offers an insight into what the examiners are looking for.

An interactive planner enables revision times to be scheduled with hints on how to use the time effectively.

The software illustrates each topic clearly. Users will quickly get to grips with the exam format with a number of mock papers to try. Each can be taken on screen, with the minutes ticking past, just like the real thing.

The user interface is dull and characterless but, despite a lack of colour and original design features, the content is really excellent. It would seem Letts felt Maths revision was a serious business and it did not want to make the software too visually-attractive in case it was accused of frivolity.

This is a useful aid to effective revision but it requires seriously hard work to extract all the information from the application.

The guarantee looks like a good thing and I believe Letts is realistic in its expectations.

Price: £19.99.

Contact: 01480 496600.

Feel Good Factor: 8 out of 10.