In response to the news that Betty Gregory is still protesting about Madeira Drive, Brighton (The Argus, February 1), I would like to make the following comments.

Yes, the driver who was fined was going too fast but the judge and other witnesses said even if he had not been speeding he would not have been able to stop in time to avoid Harriet Jordan Wrench.

So speed wasn't really a contributing factor in this incident.

Obviously, we all feel for the crash victim but the cause of the accident seems to be a 16-year-old girl running into the road without looking, after drinking alcohol and going nightclubbing - surely (and legally) the preserve of those over 18?

Yes, speeding can be a problem but if teenagers drink alcohol and go clubbing underage and forget to act responsibly or take care of road safety (remember the Green Cross code?) the speed of drivers is hardly relevant.

Traffic measures on Madeira Drive? It might be better to instil some plain common sense into pedestrians as well.

-J Martin, Arundel Road, Brighton