From my understanding of the Home Energy Conservation Bill, only by splitting hairs could Des Turner MP (Letters, January 30) be correct to say Dave Bonwick "has his facts wrong".

Dr Turner's letter was ambiguous in the extreme, saying a flat shared by three people does not, in itself, become registrable as a House in Multi-Occupancy (HMO) unless it forms part of a multi-storey building of several such flats.

Will he enlarge and say when is a multi-storey building of several flats not a multi-storey building of several flats, how many storeys make a "multi" and how many flats make a "several"? Most flats do form part of multi-storey buildings and I suspect compulsory licensing will apply to all buildings above two or three storeys.

I note also it was said the Bill was not only supported by Labour but the opposition front bench as well - some recommendation. It's debatable whether both parties together could form a decent government and I don't care if Mickey Mouse supports the Bill, the fact remains if compulsory registration proposals remain in the Bill, the licensing will go forward unchallenged, creating more problems than it solves - as has happened in Scotland.

-Eck South, Glenfalls Avenue, Brighton