Hurstwood Park near Haywards Heath has saved hundreds of lives and helped thousands of people with severe head injuries.

It is the only specialist neurological hospital in Sussex and its future is under discussion once again.

In the Nineties, a decision was made to keep it in Sussex for the next decade after a campaign by The Argus against any move to put it in London.

Its future after 2006 is being considered and the chances are it will be either kept on the present site or moved to the nearby site of the Princess Royal Hospital.

Most people would accept they might have to travel a fair distance to a neurological centre that cannot be provided at every general hospital.

But Hurstwood Park has proved over the years there is more than enough demand for such a unit in Sussex.

If the service was moved to London, it would cause inconvenience for anyone wanting to see patients.

It could also increase the time taken to take seriously-ill patients to hospital.

The sites are available for this service in Sussex.

Hospital bosses should be warned that, if they decide to move it to London, The Argus will launch a campaign even bigger and more effective than the one last time.