May I thank R G Jenkins and Ivor Caplin MP for their support of my campaign to keep open the Citizens' Advice Bureau in Hove (Letters, December 3 and 13).

I would urge Mr Jenkins and others to lobby councillors and MPs and keep signing our petition. Mr Jenkins is incorrect in his belief that either now or under proposed local electoral reforms we cannot identify those responsible for the insane edict to close the CAB.

Councillors are responsible for funding - or, as in this instance, not funding - and should be lobbied hard now before it is too late. Indeed, it was Councillor Don Turner who was responsible for this.

It's the likes of Coun Turner who wish to ignore the referendum's outcome and our voing No to such dictatorial nonsense. We also voted No to the imposed interim mish-mash system Lord Bassam and his cronies have put into place.

Don't forget, we can vote out those councillors at the next local elections - it's our right under the proposed system.

-David Newland, Socialist Alliance, Hangleton, Hove