People will be able to catch a bus to a beauty spot on Boxing Day to walk off their Christmas dinners.

The 177 bus from Brighton to Devil's Dyke will run its normal timetable on Boxing Day.

Buses will leave the Palace Pier at 10am, 11 am, 12.10pm, 2pm, 3.10pm and 4.20pm, calling at Churchill Square, Brighton station and all bus stops in Dyke Road from the Seven Dials.

The adult return fare is £3 and accompanied children travel free. The last bus back from the Dyke leaves at 6.05pm.

Walkers can catch the bus to join a three-mile guided walk on January 1 from the stone seat at the car park from 2.30pm.

They will be able to explore Fulking before getting back in time to catch the 4.55pm bus to return to the city.

More details are available from 01273 292480 or from leaflets at visitor information centres, libraries or council offices.