As someone very interested in the films and stars of the Thirties and Forties, I am always pleased to see correspondence from Gordon Dean.

I was particularly interested in his most recent contribution (Letters, December 17) because on my first trip to the US some 20 years ago I had my first meal there at the original (there is - or was - more than one) Brown Derby.

While staying at the Ambassador Hotel on Wiltshire Boulevard, I took the liberty of trying the door between the hotel reception and the Coconut Grove and, finding it unlocked, stepped inside.

Unfortunately, it was dark so I could see only a little bit from the light shining through the door.

I can, however, say I have been inside the Coconut Grove whenever I see it in a film.

I would be interested to know what happened to Pat Roc, in my opinion the most beautiful English film stars of the Forties and Fifties.

-C Wadey,