Businesses based at Gatwick Airport have been promised help to get them on the road to recovery.

More than 2,000 jobs have been lost at the Sussex airport since the United States terror attacks on September 11 and more job cuts are expected.

Other travel-related businesses across Sussex have cut jobs or frozen recruitment.

Business leaders were brought together to discuss the state of the air industry and how to help firms recover from the effect of the attacks and the downturn in world trade.

Sussex Enterprise and airport owners BAA Gatwick joined forces to provide advice and support at the summit, Planning for Change.

Roger Cato, managing director of BAA Gatwick, said: "We cannot under-estimate the grave impact September 11 has had on the air industry.

"Traffic at Gatwick is down by 12.7 per cent and our business partners and their suppliers are operating within an increasingly challenging market.

"Many have already announced job cuts. This is something that hits people at a very personal level.

"However, BAA is confident that the aviation industry and activity at Gatwick will return to growth. There are already indications that consumer confidence is returning despite the hysteria."

The meeting included practical workshops covering how to reduce business costs and improve staff productivity, winning in a downturn and recovery plans for the inbound tourism industry.

Stephen Rostron, area director for Sussex Enterprise said: "These workshops gave us an opportunity to demonstrate exactly what problems small and medium-sized companies are facing.

"The main issues were increased insurance costs, high airport operating costs, lack of government support for supply chain firms and staff issues. We have packages of information to help these businesses through harsh times.

"Our business advisers can offer advice on a range of issues, from finance and marketing to diversification and staff training.

"We are also talking to the Government, insurance companies and banks about adopting a flexible attitude when dealing with companies facing difficulties."

Mr Rostron said an estimated 10,000 job losses in Sussex were forecast in international tourism and related industries. However, the economy around Gatwick was very strong and the travel industry in a good position to make a full recovery.

Sussex Enterprise has opened a help line - 0845 67 888 67 - for businesses facing difficulties.