Have you ever woken up after a night on the tiles asking yourself: "Where DID I end up last night?" A new web site hopes to provide the answer.

Seeyourselfout.com, the brainchild of web designer Jon Briggs, is already attracting more than 1,000 visitors a day, making it one of the biggest clubbers' sites in Britain.

A team of seven student photographers, themselves not unphotogenic, have begun trawling the city's pubs and night clubs armed with digital cameras and taking snaps of revellers.

The images are sent back to the firm's headquarters where they are pasted on the internet the following morning.

Jon, 30, who has provided web consultancy for a string of international companies, including champagne giants Moet & Chandon, said he had been overwhelmed by the response.

He said: "My wife is a student at university here and three weeks ago we were loafing around chatting with some of her friends about some ideas for the internet.

"They were lamenting the fact that, to do anything at all now, you need a lot of commercial support. I said 'nonsense'.

"We went out that night and took 20 pictures. The next morning 100 people logged on to have a look. At the weekend we took 250 pictures and on the Monday morning we had 850 hits.

"By the end of the first week we'd had 67,000 page views from as far away as Australia."

The team of snappers work for a free night out, a few lines on their CV and the promise of a future internet fortune.

Jon is in talks with other would-be internet entrepreneurs across Britain with a view to taking the site nationwide.

He said: "We've had a lot of help from Bar Latino, The Honey Club and The Escape, who have all been very supportive. There are a couple of big firms who are also interested in advertising with us.

"We're now getting about 5,000 people a week logging on, which is probably 70 per cent of the people who go out in Brighton.

"It's a traditionally difficult market to tap but this site seems to have what it takes."

Although some of the thousands of images on the site are certainly embarrassing, the firm is keen to stress all photographs are taken with the consent of their subjects and nothing raunchy will be posted.

Jon said: "Other web sites have tried doing the same thing but it's just an excuse to post lots of pictures of pretty young girls. We use pictures of everyone and the best pictures we can have are of groups having a good time.

"If anyone is not happy with a picture on the site, we'll take it down immediately and we're not interested in the sleaze market.

"Our biggest day is Monday when we get all these visits from places like Amex and Legal and General. There is a mass of traffic at about 10am.

"The site is simple and people just like seeing themselves."

Visit the site at www.seeyourselfout.com