At 17, Jason Feldman (Letters, December 12) has not yet done enough living or reading to be able to comment or judge very much with accuracy.

Young people's problems seem to stem from bad things happening to them caused by their own actions and sad, uncaring ignorance. Education in all life's skills is so important.

Single mums love their babies with the same intensity as married mums but must double-up on the caring and depend upon family or friends, whose problem it is not.

The little defenceless one must come first at all times and no one much cares if mum is happy - only that she can cope.

Alan Nunn (Letters, December 6) was judging no one, as Jason asserts he was.

He was bravely showing a concern for today's world and we should thank him.

If Jason has a Bible at home or can borrow or buy one, a good place for a young man to look for answers is Proverbs.

-Mrs P Bolingbroke, Larkhill, Hove