National Lottery winners Brian and Angela Chewter celebrated their millionaire status - with a take-away pizza.

Until yesterday, the couple from Uckfield had not even cracked open a bottle of champagne.

Brian, 44, and Angela, 40, who have two daughters, Samantha, 14, and Carly, 11, are determined their £943,161 winnings will not change them.

Engineer Brian said: "I think they are fairly down-to-earth kids. I think it will be easier in terms of buying things but they are not going to say they want this and they want that. If they do, they'll be in trouble.

"They do understand about money and they know they have to spend their own money.

"They've asked for a raise in pocket money and they'll probably get a raise but they'll have to do a bit of work for it."

He said both the girls had been really excited about the win and had been told to keep quiet until lottery organisers had checked it out but Carly almost gave the game away.

Brian said: "Our youngest daughter was the funniest. When we found out we had won and phoned the hotline, they told us to tell immediate family only.

"By the time I had got back into the room she had already texted her friend. She had to text her back and tell her she was only joking.

"Now she will have to text her again and tell her she wasn't."

Angela and Brian scooped the jackpot after matching all six numbers in Wednesday's draw.

They have always bought two lines for each draw and have played the game since it began.

Brian was sitting upstairs on his own when he saw the numbers on television. They were taken from a list of lucky numbers on a birth scroll his mother gave him for Christmas two years ago.

He said: "A couple of years ago, my mum gave me a thing called The Day You Were Born. It has everything on it, such as important news and six lucky numbers.

"Up until then I had been using any old numbers. We had had the odd £10 and the most was £40.

"It doesn't really register at the moment. I guess it might, depending on other people's attitudes.

"I am sure some people's attitudes will change but our family is pleased for us."

Brian and Angela, who married in 1982 after meeting at a computer company they both worked for, are planning to live off the interest of their win.

They have no plans to move from their three-bedroom semi-detached house but will be taking more holidays and are considering a new car.

Brian, who is a sports fanatic and loves American football and rugby, has decided to give up his job as an engineer in Hastings and concentrate on going to the gym and swimming.

Angela, who sometimes waitresses at a coffee shop, is not so sure.

She said: "I might give up but certainly not straight away."

Brian said: "It will change us in some ways in as much as my lifestyle will change because I won't be working but we are not going to splash out money.

"Holidays are probably the main thing but we are trying to live life as normal.

"We are just a quiet family. We have got our friends and that, but I wouldn't say we are well-known."

But Angela, who hoped the win would give her more time to enjoy soaps and go shopping, said: "We will be notorious now."

Friend Colin Martin, 60, of Uckfield, said: "As soon as I heard, I phoned up and congratulated Angela.

"I've known her for about a year. She is the most happy person you could wish for. Ever since I've known her, she has never not had a smile on her face. She is a delightful lady.

"I think it's great someone like her should win the Lottery."

Brian bought their winning ticket from the One Stop Shop in Brown Lane, Uckfield.

Staff at the shop had heard about the win and were eager to congratulate the couple.

Assistant manager Martin Jupp said: "We will be congratulating them when they come in.

"They sometimes come in here for their Lottery tickets and I think they do shop in here from time to time."

The winning numbers were 8, 9, 10, 20, 39 and 40.