The report "Angry charities in art city challenge" (The Argus, November 8) paints a totally erroneous picture by supporting claims that voluntary-sector grant aid allocations have favoured cultural organisations in Brighton and Hove.

Looking at the list of awards made, the number of arts organisations being funded is minimal.

Certainly the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra has had all funding withdrawn after more than half a century of continuous support by the local authority - this at a time when we are meant to be putting on a good show in the much-vaunted £21 million new Dome.

And, contrary to the assertion attributed to Colin Chalmers, director of Community Base, the city's bid to be European City of Culture 2008 has nothing whatsoever to do with the grant aid allocations which have been so controversial.

I look at the list and see some worthy causes receiving grant aid but precious few arts organisations. So please, let us put this canard to rest.

-Tony Woodhouse, General Manager, Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra