The orange balls have vanished from Belisha beacons only days after they were put up at a new pedestrian crossing.

More than 1,000 residents signed a petition launched three years ago by the Haven Residents' Association to have a crossing created outside a shop in Whitehawk Way, Brighton.

They were relieved when work finally started and poles were placed on either side of the road at the beginning of the year.

However, just days after the crossing appeared to come into operation, black bags were put over the beacons, and then the orange balls disappeared.

Maggie Smeeth, a resident and member of the Whitehawk Crime Prevention Forum, said the crossing had only needed the black and white lines to be painted when the balls disappeared.

She said: "I thought, 'Blimey, the balls have gone.' The council must have had the money to build the crossing because the poles went up and the electrics went in. All they needed to do was paint the lines."

The poles are now sitting ball-less in their position, waiting for work to restart.

Kevin Hills, former chairman of the residents' association, said two children had been involved in road accidents because the stretch of road had the appearance there was a pedestrian crossing on it.

A council spokesman said: "The first bit of work was done when an electrician became available, but the rest of the work will be carried out on November 19."

He said the traffic order allowing the crossing to be installed legally had been delayed and notification of the plan had to be made public long enough to allow public response.