As we are all aware, parking in some areas of Brighton and Hove is an absolute nightmare, particularly where terraced houses have been converted into flats and there are several vehicles for each house.

There is an increasing trend to convert front gardens into car stands, solely for the use of that resident. Sometimes there are signs threatening fines or stating the driveway must be kept clear at all times.

A garage may have been converted for storage space, an extra bedroom or a workshop and the owner still has the white line on the road in front of the house.

This guarantees that owner a dedicated space while the rest of us drive around desperately trying to find somewhere to park.

This is, in fact, not allowed and is an incredibly selfish and un-neighbourly attitude.

The law states people are not allowed to park in front of a driveway that already has a car parked on it but, if it has not, this once again becomes a free space, available to anybody. The same applies to garages which do not have a car in them.

Nobody is allowed to reserve themself a space on the public highway and access to "their" space is not an automatic right.

I realise many people will find this difficult to accept but it's time everyone knew there are more parking spaces around than they think.

-Name and address supplied